MedMetrics Inc., strives to develop outstanding evidence-based research solutions to demonstrate the value of potential health care products and technologies, particularly for market access, pricing and reimbursement activities.
Company Overview

MedMetrics Inc., is a full spectrum health care research and consulting firm with global expertise in all aspects of the design, analysis, reporting and publication of clinical, epidemiologic and health economic studies in a variety of clinical areas. We undertake research for a wide range of both public and private sector clients. We have conducted projects in the following therapeutic areas: ophthalmology, diabetes, COPD, coronary heart failure, dental caries, tele-health, Aboriginal health policy, tuberculosis, vitamin D deficiency, etc.

Latest Publication:
A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations Conducted for Interventions to Screen, Treat, and Manage Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada